
Hallo, Dia dhuit, Willkommen, Benvenuto, Tervetuloa,

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From Sicily in the south to Finland in the north audiences have greeted Eve Parnell's work with delight and warmth. Creating site specific Art for each location, Eve explores customs and history, embracing the landscape or city and meeting local people

Dr. Peter Hoffmann, William Kingsford Professor of History at McGill University, Montreal and Author of "Stauffenberg. A Family History" McGill-Queen's University Press:  Montreal, 3 edn, 2009 writes "Eve Parnell in her delicate drawings of birds, plants, sculptures, even of dead pigeons expresses dream-like compassion and confidence in life, "dream as truth"."

A Graduate of the National College of Art and Design in Dublin, with a Master's Degree in Fine Art, Eve Parnell is a True Artist, her work exhibited from an early age. Parnell is very talented, observant and through her drawings and paintings, discusses issues which our Society often struggles to address. Her unique artwork raises questions and sometimes provides an answer

Dr. John Turpin Professor of the History of Art, Royal Hibernian Academy, Dublin describes Parnell's work  
"Her work over the years has had a conceptual content as well as a strong technical delivery. She welcomes unconventional exhibiting locations in which to show her work as these challenge the viewer to question and to reflect on the work."
Anne Stewart, Curator of Fine Art, National Museums Northern Ireland
"Eve Parnell has established an international career as a resourceful and highly accomplished draughtswoman. The impressive quality of her work is due in part to her decision to work in pencil on tissue paper, possibly the most sensitive and demanding of all surfaces. Parnell's technique requires enormous skill and confidence, as each mark is irreversible, yet despite these difficulties her drawings possess a fluidity that suggests the lightness and immateriality of thought. The fragility of Parnell's materials, and the graceful assurance of her drawing style combine to create work of remarkable subtlety."

Eve Parnell ist eine hochtalentierte Zeichnerin, deren Werke unter anderem in folgenden Kunstsammlungen zu finden sind: der Sammlung seiner kgl. Hoheit, des Prinzen von Wales, im Vatikan, beim Päpstlichen Rat für die Kultur sowie an Bord eines Schiffes der Maltesischen Streitkräfte, das derzeit im Mittelmeer in humanitärem Einsatz unterwegs ist. Sie hatte bereits Ausstellungen in Irland, Großbritannien, Deutschland, Finnland und Italien. Ihre Arbeiten basieren auf der überaus feinen und anspruchsvollen Technik des Bleistiftzeichnens auf höchst empfindlichem Seidenpapier und sie lässt sich durch die nordeuropäische Tradition des Realismus inspirieren, der in der niederländischen Kunst des 15.-17. Jahrhunderts verwurzelt ist. Die Werke fordern den Betrachter zu genauem Hinsehen auf, sie fordern dazu heraus, vertraute Sichtweisen infrage zu stellen und verleiten durch das Zusammenwirken von technischer Finesse und der Fragilität ätherischer Themen wie beispielsweise Leben und Umwelt dazu, sich auf sie einzulassen.

Eve Parnell studierte Malerei am National College of Art and Design in Dublin und schloss dieses Studium 2002 mit einem Bachelor in Fine Art (Bildende Kunst) ab. Ihr Werk wurde vielfach in un- und außergewöhnlichen Räumlichkeiten ausgestellt, hierzu gehören zum Beispiel das nordirische Parlamentsgebäude Stormont in Belfast, die Botschaft der Republik Irland in Berlin, das Seefahrtsmuseum Forum Marinum in Turku, Finnland und das Päpstliche Irische Kolleg in Rom. Im Mai 2015 wurde eine ihrer Zeichnungen in der St. Patricks Kirche, Donegall Street, in Belfast, Nordirland, in einer persönlichen Präsentation seiner kgl. Hoheit Prinz Charles vorgestellt.

Eve Parnell opiskeli maalaustaidetta National College of Art and Design – taidekorkeakoulussa Dublinissa ja valmistui taiteen kandidaatiksi vuonna 2002. Ennen vuotta 2008 hänen näyttelyitään nähtiin mm. Lontoon Mayfairin The Arts Clubssa vuonna 2004 ja Dublinin American Collegen Oscar Wilde Housessa vuonna 2007. Vuoden 2009 jälkeen Parnell on jatkanut näyttelytoimintaansa mm. Stratford-Upon-Avonissa vuonna 2009 ja Irlannin kansallisgalleriassa 2011. Manner-Euroopassa näyttelyitä on nähty Irlannin suurlähetystössä Berliinissä vuosina 2011 ja 2014, niin ikään Saksassa Burgwedelin kaupungintalossa vuonna 2014, sekä Roomassa irlantilaisessa paavillisessa yliopistossa vuonna 2013. Nyt hän esittelee irlantilaista taidetta suomalaiselle yleisölle Turussa.
Parnellin töissä on kautta vuosien ollut sekä käsitteellistä sisältöä että vahvaa teknistä toteutusta. Näin on myös tämänkertaisten näyttelytöiden kohdalla. Parnell esittelee töitään mielellään epätavallisissa näyttely-ympäristöissä ja haastaa näin katsojan kyseenalaistamaan työt ja pohtimaan niitä. Esimerkiksi Wicklow Headin majakkaan Irlannin rannikolle hän koosti näyttelyn merenkulun viestilipuista.

The Glasgow Gallery of Photography: Travel Exhibition

The Glasgow Gallery of Photography: Travel Exhibition 1st to 31st July 2024 https://www.glasgowgalleryofphotography.com/travel-2024-01 High Street Gallery, 279-281 High Street Glasgow G4 0QS, Scotland



Niamh Cusack temporarily enlisted with the Irish Navy to give a professional reading of a significant poem onboard the L.É. JAMES JOYCE while alongside Dun Laoghaire port in Dublin. NCAD graduate Eve Parnell was commissioned to design and produce a limited edition print-run of the poem. Eve’s design evokes the mythological and historical maritime connections suggested by the poem in a crisp modern rendition, styled after early 20th Century Celtic Revival-inspired lacework patterns which recall wave action, time and tide. The poem’s text and the overlapping patterns are framed by a silver foil roll-of-honour around the page border, listing all the Navy’s faithful ships of the last 75 years.

Learn More30/12/2021

President of Ireland Michael D. Higgins visits Cork City Hall

The President of Ireland Michael D. Higgins paid a visit to Cork City Hall, his visit included meeting with artists, poets, and academics, including Barry Hill, Producer of “The Epic” and Past President of The North Monastery Past Pupils Union, Poet & Naval Service Commander Caoimhin Mac Unfraidh and Artist Eve Parnell. President Higgins was presented with a framed copy of the The Epic, a poem illustrated by Eve Parnell, about three Lord Mayors of Cork and past pupils of the The North Mon, Terence Mac Swiney (1879-1920) Tomás Mac Curtain (1884-1920) and Donal Óg O’Callaghan (1891-1962)

Learn More07/10/2021

The Irish Times, an Irishwoman's Diary

Mightier than the sword - Eve Parnell on Lázló Bíró's ballpoint revolution https://www.irishtimes.com/opinion/mightier-than-the-sword-eve-parnell-on-l%C3%A1szl%C3%B3-b%C3%ADr%C3%B3-s-ballpoint-revolution-1.4587802

Learn More08/06/2021

Wells Art Contemporary 2021

Selected from over 3,500 submissions, 91 artworks showcasing the very best in contemporary art have been selected by this year’s selectors. The range of innovative and engaging installations designed specifically for WAC 2021 were shortlisted by Simon Periton. All selected works and installations were shown in the iconic Wells Cathedral from Saturday 28 August to Sunday 26 September 2021.

Learn More26/09/2021

Brasserie Graf, Performance

On Culture Night, invited by the National Gallery of Ireland, Eve Parnell and Katerina Speranskaya gave a Performance of Spoken Word and Music. Parnell selected an extract from Somerset Maugham’s book, The Razor’s Edge. This book was one of the first Western novels to propose non-Western solutions to society’s ills. Its title comes from a passage in one of the Upanishads. ‘The sharp edge of a razor is difficult to pass over; thus the wise say the path to Salvation is hard.’ Accompanied by Katerina Speranskaya on Cello playing a new work inspired by Schubert’s Unfinished Symphony.

Learn More17/09/2021

Waiting for the water to drizzle on my chest

In Dublin Castle, off George’s Hall Eve Parnell's 29 drawings in black biro on archival canvas textured paper with an accompanying Installation are exhibited in one of the Cross Block Rooms. These rooms are not usually open to the public, however the Artist has been permitted exclusive access for the purpose of her exhibition. Current affairs, history, personal experience and elements of site specifity play a role in the work

Learn More15/07/2021

We are Solitary

We are solitary. NCAD and Rua Red present the work of 12 artists whose works reflect an array of approaches that characterises our cultural moment at the crux of this most unusual time in history. The artists in this exhibition represent a wide variety of styles and impulses, with each dealing with a spectrum of issues ranging from the personal to the community at large

Learn More20/11/2020


"Fáinleog" from Irish translates into "Little Wanderer", this is the Irish word for that brave little bird, the Swallow. Opened by H.E Adrian O'Neill The Ambassador of Ireland to the United Kingdom on the night England left the European Union, three Irish women brought Culture into Politics, curated by Eve Parnell

Learn More31/01/2020

„Der Sonnenstrahl“

Ort: Galerie Kungerkiez, Berlin 2 November 2019 bis zum 1. Dezember 2019 Eve Parnell ist eine Künstlerin, die sich mit Themen beschäftigt, die im Bereich der bildenden Kunst nicht häufig diskutiert werden. Gleichzeitig führt sie die Tradition der bildenden Kunst fort; verwendet jahrhundertealte Materialien und Techniken und wird als zeitgenössische Künstlerin, die die Herausforderungen für das Kunst-Establishment und die breite Gesellschaft darstellt, aanerkannt So entschied sich Eve im vergangenen Jahr in London auf der prestigeträchtigen 250. Annual Summer Show der Royal Academy für eine einzelne, lebensgroße Skulptur einer Gartenschnecke (Mischtechnik). Mit diesen Ausstellungsstücken versucht Eve, Tiere aus den Bildern anderer Künstler zu befreien. Eve hat sich dieser, vor langer Zeit gestorbenen, Tiere angenommen und Portraits ihrer lebendigen Seele gemacht. The drawings themselves are uniform in size, 38 x 28 cms, all presented 'portrait' on archival quality, rough grain watercolour paper, the medium is pencil, the size of the drawings, like paintings in the Dutch Golden Age, is small enough to display in the home. While these are representations of the 'everyday' they also incorporate a sense of the 'fairytale' and as we know, before early fairytales were 'sanitised' they were pretty gruesome and scary. All of these drawings come from her 'everyday', while some drawings have liberated the subjects from poorly painted obscurity in paintings spanning several centuries

Learn More02/11/2019

Festival Irlandese Bassano in Teverina 2019

Celebrating Irish Culture in a medieval village in Italy, with Talks, Music and Fine Art

Learn More21/06/2019

Eve Parnell Reviews the Graduate Shows in Dublin on RTE Radio One's Arena with Sean Rocks

On Arena, the daily arts and popular culture show with Sean Rocks, Eve reviews the End Of Year Arts Colleges Exhibitions Eve Parnell reviews some of the country arts colleges end of year exhibitions.

Learn More10/06/2019

Eve Parnell reviews the exhibition "Nathaniel Hone: Birth of a Landscape Artist" at the National Gallery

Arena on RTE Radio 1, daily arts and popular culture show.

Learn More06/03/2019

The Royal Society of Marine Artists Annual Exhibition

Eve Parnell has been selected from over 1,300 submissions to appear alongside paintings by some of Britain’s leading marine artists. The exhibition will be on display at Mall Galleries in central London between 11 to 20 October 2018. The Royal Society of Marine Artists Annual Exhibition is recognised as the most prestigious and varied exhibition of marine art in the UK. The exhibition's theme is the sea and everything related to it, the premier marine art exhibition in the United Kingdom

Learn More10/10/2018

Interview with BBC Broadcaster Seamus McKee

Eve Parnell talks with BBC Broadcaster Seamus McKee on Evening Extra

Learn More01/02/2019

Selected for the Royal Academy Summer Show

The brightest and most colourful Summer Exhibition yet, in the 250th annual celebration of “art made now”. Each summer the Royal Academy galleries are jam-packed with contemporary art made by artists from all walks of life. A world-famous show unlike any other, the Summer Exhibition draws together works by internationally renowned artists, exciting new talent and first-time exhibitors. In its 250th year, the show is the cultural highlight of the season, with all artwork handpicked by a committee led by Grayson Perry RA.

Learn More08/06/2018

"Truth hath a quiet breast"

Invited by the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust to exhibit a solo show in their historic property Hall's Croft, this highly successful exhibition was Opened by Actress Niamh Cusack

Learn More03/05/2018

National Drawing Day

One of five Artists selected to celebrate Drawing in the National Gallery of Ireland, Eve studied the unique collection in the Gallery's Dutch Room where she was available to chat and demonstrate her skill throughout the day

Learn More19/05/2018

"Vernehmt und lasst mich traum so wahrheit singen - Let me sing dreams as words of truth"

2017 Solo Exhibition in The Humboldt University in Berlin, Germany, 30 January - 26 February, with an introduction by Peter Hoffmann, Author of Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg. The Biography

Learn More26/02/2017

Visit of Their Royal Highnesses

During the official visit of their Royal Highnesses the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall to Northern Ireland in 2015, a visit to historic Saint Patrick's Church on the contentious Donegall Street in Belfast was included in their schedule. The Parish of Saint Patrick's Church commissioned Eve to create a large work for the Royal Couple, so on the 21st May Eve presented her large framed drawing of 'Saint Brigid' after Sir John Lavery's 'Madonna of the Lakes', to TRH when she had the opportunity to converse with The Prince and The Duchess

Learn More05/09/2015

„Im Meer des Staubs, ein liebevolles Leuchten - With dust in the air“

Following this successful solo exhibition in Rome, some of the artwork, and some new work, travelled to the Townhall of Burgwedel where it was on display during March 2014. From April 2014 The Embassy of Ireland in Berlin hosts this exhibition of exquisite drawings with the title ‘Im Meer des Staubs, ein liebevolles Leuchten - With dust in the air'

Learn More14/03/2016

'Souls of the Slain - Anamnacha imithe abhaile go Dia'

Commemorating the centenary of the year 1916, Eve Parnell was invited to exhibit a solo show in The Long Gallery, Parliament Buildings, Stormont, Belfast, Northern Ireland, Eve addressed issues facing both sides of the community which culminated in a very successful inclusive event officially Opened by the Deputy First Minister, Martin McGuinness MLA on 6 June, the exhibition continued through 24 June

Learn More06/04/2016

‘A Feather in the Sky - Una Piuma nel Cielo’

A solo exhibition in the Pontifical Irish College in Rome throughout September, officially Opened by H.E. Mr. Bobby McDonagh, Ambassador of Ireland to Italy

Learn More01/09/2013

'Uskolliset kumppanit - Constant Companions'

Onboard the Tall Sailing Ship 'Soumen Joutsen' in the National Maritime Museum of Finland, in association with the Embassy of Ireland in Finland, 3 June- 30 August Kesäkuussa 2015 Suomen Joutsenella avataan irlantilaisen taiteilijan Eve Parnellin näyttely, joka tunnelmallaan ja tulkinnoillaan täydentää vierailua yli satavuotiaan kansallisaarteemme kansilla. Otto Holmborg Suunnitelija, Forum Marinum

Learn More14/07/2015

'The Stag shelters each night under an Oak sapling'

Solo Exhibition in the Fred Winter Gallery, Stratford upon Avon, England, May 1- 30 June 2013

Learn More05/01/2013

Letter from His Excellency, the President of Ireland, Michael D. Higgins

Learn More01/09/2013

'Wilkommen, Wanderer - Welcome, wanderer'

Solo show in the Embassy of Ireland in Berlin, officially Opened by H.E. Mr. Dan Mulhall Irish Ambassador to Germany

Learn More01/09/2014
  • Briefly

​interview by Susan Barzallo with Eve for 
The Animals Voice magazine ​​​

Eve Parnell was commissioned to design and produce a limited edition print-run of the poem. Eve’s design evokes the mythological and historical maritime connections suggested by the poem in a crisp modern rendition, which recalls wave action, time and tide. The poem’s text and the overlapping patterns are framed by a silver foil roll-of-honour around the page border, listing all the Navy’s faithful ships of the last 75 years.

For this phase of the Naval Service’s 75th Anniversary year, a poem submitted by a serving member of the Navy was selected by Naval Headquarters to mark the occasion. The poem is entitled ‘STATIO BENE FIDA CARINIS’ (Latin for ‘A Place Most Suitable For Ships’). It envisages the Navy’s fleet circumnavigating Ireland from its Base in Cork Harbour, touching on Irish maritime historical and mythological events en route. The poem makes the point that Ireland’s maritime tradition spans the centuries.


https://sgfaonlinegallery24.oess1.uk/artwork/ArtistPage/28574?exhid=455 Selected for the 103rd Annual Exhibition by the Society of Graphic Fine Art, Eve Parnell's study of a dead pigeon so skillfully observed with pencil on tissue paper sold early in the week

Dia dhuit, Willkommen, Tervetuloa, Benvenuto!